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mamama Kitchen

I have been devoted to the media and performing arts industries for over 45 years, living an incredibly fast-paced life every day in Hong Kong. Until 2017, at the age of 60, I had the opportunity to receive comprehensive and professional bakery and pastry training at Le Cordon Bleu in Tokyo. Besides seeking knowledge and skill, at the same time, I learned to enjoy life and build new friendships during the course.

Image by Kumiko SHIMIZU

2023-5-19 明報新聞專題報導
烘焙迷組團 粵語翻譯

Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 3.48.32 PM.png

2023-6-23 晴報生活副刊
創意日本遊 跟職人學烘焙

2023-5-19 Mingpao News feature
烘焙迷組團 粵語翻譯

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